Thursday, March 7, 2013

Great Parent Advocating for Danielle daughter from Bullying from Top School Officials who physically hurt her child’s arm.

Danielle Martinez,
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your little girl. Immediately go to the police department and file a complaint and do the same with the Principal of your child’s school. I would go to your district and ask for a complaint form and file it with your School District and ask for accountability and the steps they will take to assure the safety of your child from this Teacher and student.

It was so important that you received the proper care for your child in the hospital and hopefully the medical records are documented with the facts what happened to your child by the Teacher. Depending on what state you live in the protocol for the hospital some times is to notify the police dept. and have them come to the hospital to obtain a statement from you and your child.

There is a law for school officials to have a responsibility to protect your child and keep them safe. I will forward you the last post on the following sites to help you and your family. Please make sure most importantly that you follow up in writing in emails and copy your school board and contact from Dept. of Education employee who can also refer you to complaints that can be filed with your local Teacher’s Credentialing Board.

Take the actions of this Teacher very serious and they should be watched carefully by proper authorities and contact the District Attorney Office too.

In most cases these people are suppose to protect your child and family, however in other cases their may be nepotism practices to protect the employees or the student who is the Bully.

The status of the family of the bully may play an important role not to protect your child and protect the bully instead, further victimizing your daughter. You are your own advocate for your child and keep up the great job to protect them and take the seriousness of not only BULLYING FROM TOP SCHOOL OFFICIAL, but new laws protect your child who was victimized by the other student who was bullying your daughter.

I will get more information to you to help and keep up the super job protecting your daughter and take time to take a vacation together, communicate feelings and above all let your daughter know nobody should ever attack, hit, push, verbally abuse or not protect your child at a school from other School Officials.

Blessings to you and your family, especially your daughter who shared what happened to her and knows that you are protecting her throughout the trauma and healing process.

Youtube: Bullyingwarrior
Twitter: Bullyingwarrior
Facebook: Bullyingwarrior
Facebook: Bullying Teachers and Principals

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